Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Dumpster Diving For Soda?

I don't know if this is corperation wide, or just something our local Sonic Drive-in has been doing, but be sure and look at your receipt. Some of them have a voucher for a free Route 44 drink at your next visit. You just call the number, answer a few simple questions about the Sonic location you visited, and they give you a code number. Copy this number on your receipt, and take it with you to get your free drink. Now these aren't on every receipt, but Dave and I have gotten quite a few of them. I guess that's what happens when you visit every day to get your happy hour Diet Coke fix (yes, I'm talking about me).
Last week, as we were leaving the drive-thru, Dave glanced over to see a perfectly good free Rt 44 reciept, lying on top of the trash in the trash can. Now, I'm sure you know where this story is going. yes, I got out and retrieved the ticket...but it was lying on top. Regardless of what I titled my post, I wouldn't have gone digging through the trash, but I couldn't resist a perfectly clean ticket, lying on top. Still, part of me couldn't help but remember the episode of Seinfeld, where George at the eclair that was lying on top of the trash can. I guess I have "crossed the line between man and bum." That's ok. Any embarrasment was gone the minute I got my free Route 44 Diet Coke.


  1. free is good! I never go to the Sonic but if I did I would want anything they were giving free.

  2. We go every day. My Diet Coke drinking is down to 1 two liter, and 1 happy hour per day. Our Sonic does an awsome job with drinks they're actually famous for them around here.
