Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Monday, March 25, 2013

Cold Snap!

Warm temperatures begin early where I live.  It's great, because there's nothing like getting out and digging into a bag of potting soil after being cooped up all winter.  The downside is that just when you think you're through with the cold, it comes back.  Just about every year, around Easter time, we have a cold snap.  I remember, as a child, how irritating it was, to get a pretty new dress, only to have to wear a jacket over it.  That's nothing compared to the irritation of yesterday. My friend, Kim, texted me to show me her new greenhouse.  She was in the process of putting her plants up before nightfall, when the temperatures were expected to be below freezing.  Really?  It was just two weeks ago, Dave and I had put my houseplants outside for the season, and now I have to tell him to bring them all back in?  Thankfully, we managed to get all the plants off the porch, and back into the house before the sun went down.
I'm not got to lie, and pretend I'm not miffed about this.  I was loving my clutter-free house, and my beautifully green front porch.  It is so overwhelming, the day we have to put the plants out, because I have so many, and I want them strategically placed, so they can be shown off to their full potential, while still complimenting each other. I had accomplished this for the year, and now I have to start over.
Ok, enough of this!  Time to look at the positive side of this:

Three Good things about the plant situation-
1. It was very fortunate that Kim texted me when she did.  Some of these plants may have been lost.
2. Most of the plants have been trimmed back, so the clutter is minimal.  They actually look nice adorning my home.
3.  Since I had Spring cleaned, the outdoor plant tables were clean, enabling me to bring them in with the plants.  Surly I can remember where each table went...

Ok, I feel much better! :)

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed our time today. Loved having the ladies over for prayer and fellowship.I am so proud of you for bringing yours in.. I only had two and I left them to cope with the cold, maybe that could be a little of the reason my thumb is not green. However Iam doing pretty good with my indoor ones this time. I have had one of them over a year now.....Love ya
