Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

New Window Pictures

Today, as I was contemplating what to blog about, I realized I hadn't yet posted pictures of my new windows.  I took several photos throughout the house, but most of the indoor shots are too dark.  No shooting angle, and no amount of light helped.  I did find a few that were light enough to showcase the windows, and show the viewer what an improvement they make to the house.
This picture of the craft room, best shows the windows from the inside.

This picture was taken from the back porch to show the windows from the outside.

The next three photos are quite dark, but I wanted to show my favorite three features of these windows.  I think (I hope) the pics are light enough to accomplish that.
I can choose to open the bottom pane...

...Or I can choose to slide the screen up, and open the top pane.

I can release each pane, and tilt it down for easy cleaning!
So there you have it.  My beautiful new windows!  

Monday, March 25, 2013

Cold Snap!

Warm temperatures begin early where I live.  It's great, because there's nothing like getting out and digging into a bag of potting soil after being cooped up all winter.  The downside is that just when you think you're through with the cold, it comes back.  Just about every year, around Easter time, we have a cold snap.  I remember, as a child, how irritating it was, to get a pretty new dress, only to have to wear a jacket over it.  That's nothing compared to the irritation of yesterday. My friend, Kim, texted me to show me her new greenhouse.  She was in the process of putting her plants up before nightfall, when the temperatures were expected to be below freezing.  Really?  It was just two weeks ago, Dave and I had put my houseplants outside for the season, and now I have to tell him to bring them all back in?  Thankfully, we managed to get all the plants off the porch, and back into the house before the sun went down.
I'm not got to lie, and pretend I'm not miffed about this.  I was loving my clutter-free house, and my beautifully green front porch.  It is so overwhelming, the day we have to put the plants out, because I have so many, and I want them strategically placed, so they can be shown off to their full potential, while still complimenting each other. I had accomplished this for the year, and now I have to start over.
Ok, enough of this!  Time to look at the positive side of this:

Three Good things about the plant situation-
1. It was very fortunate that Kim texted me when she did.  Some of these plants may have been lost.
2. Most of the plants have been trimmed back, so the clutter is minimal.  They actually look nice adorning my home.
3.  Since I had Spring cleaned, the outdoor plant tables were clean, enabling me to bring them in with the plants.  Surly I can remember where each table went...

Ok, I feel much better! :)

Friday, March 15, 2013

Home Improvements!

It's been very busy around this place the past week.  With our tax return, Dave and I decided to get new windows.  Our house still had the old aluminum framed, single pane windows.  They didn't do a very good job keeping the outer temperatures and the noise out, and they were a big part of the reason our electricity bills were so high.  We were told they were just a half step up from having empty openings in the house.  That may have been a sales ploy, and an exaggeration, but I do know that it's always felt drafty and cold in certain parts of this they weren't completely wrong...
The new windows came two weeks ago, and this week, we've had them installed!  They are beautiful, double pane, double hung windows, which tilt down for easy cleaning.  They keep the inner temperature of the house regulated, and they keep the excess noise out.  Actually, the latter is an unexpected bonus.  I didn't realize how much noise the old windows allowed in.  With these new windows, outside noise is muffled, and the whole atmosphere in my home is peaceful and relaxed.  Charlie's workers have, as usual, done a great job.  They're the ones who built our screened porch and utility room, and also the ones who repaired the ceiling in the craft room. Their attention to detail is the reason we always call them for any home improvement job.  If they don't do the particular task, Charlie always knows someone who does.
During the course of the window installation, I've taken this opportunity to wash and iron the curtains, dust and vacuum behind furniture (although, they did most of that), and do various spring cleaning projects.  Charlie's men also power washed our vinyl siding, and Dave helped me put the houseplants outside for the spring and summer months. Now the inside of our house looks so clean and clutter-free, and the outside looks green and inviting.
So, now I need to get out there and weed that front azalea bed..

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Slip Stitch Cowl

The Slip Stitch Cowl is another pattern from the book, Knit Noro: Accessories.  I bought two skeins of Noro Silk Garden in a complimentary color to the two skeins I had in my stash, and I am so pleased with the results.  I think this cowl will look good with any solid color shirt in my closet!  
I had just woken up, and I looked like crud, so I had Dave take a headless picture of me.  Maybe I can get a better photo later. 
Well, I've used all the Noro yarn I had bought with my Christmas money.  I have a few skeins in my stash, but not even close to enough to knit all the beautiful Noro patterns in my queue...So what's a knitter to do? Fortunately, there are several less expensive striping yarns on the market.  The colors may not be as rich, nor the selection as vast as Noro, but I have found several that I like.  I've recently purchased some Amazing, by Lion Brand.  I'm starting with a hat pattern, and we'll see where it goes from there.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Mood Swings

It's unbelievable how quickly it happens. I was so happy yesterday, soaking in the sunshine and fresh air. After I finished writing my blog, I decided to have my dinner outside. I was sitting on my porch, looking out, and remembering how nice it felt to bury my hands in a bag of potting soil, when it happened. An intrusive thought. They often come to me, usually in the evening, during a time of reflection, and when I'm alone. Most of the time they derail me, sending my thoughts in the opposite direction, and by the overnight hours, I'm well on my way to a depressive episode.
It's so frustrating! I recognize it when it starts, I know where it's going, I even know it's unreasonable, but I can't stop it.  All I can do is distract myself until it passes. I think the worse thing about my illness is the fear. I live with almost constant fear of the future, brought on by my losses in the past. I don't know how to change.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Beautiful Day

What a gorgeous day!  Dave grilled outside, and after a delightful lunch on the screened back porch, I took advantage of the sunshine, and worked outside.  I repotted some hostas, and two of my herb containers.  I brushed the dried leaves out, and top-filled several of my pots, then cut back my hydrangeas. After my work was completed, I washed the cat food dishes, and tidied up the kitchen.  I now sit at my computer, with a Morty cat in my lap, and an incredible sense of accomplishment.  Hope all is well with my readers.  God bless, and just remember Spring is on the way!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Extra Long Striped Scarf

I just took my latest project off the blocking mats, and I'm so proud of the results.  I started this scarf back in 2011, but sadly, it is one of the many projects I sent into hibernation during my knitter's block.  I found it, and resumed working on it off and on during the holiday season, but around the first of February, I really got busy.  Since it's a simple 1x1 rib pattern, a mindless knitting process that doesn't require heavy concentration, I was able to work on it during tv time, and on road trips.  I'm so happy to have completed it!
This scarf was knit with two neutral color skeins of Noro Silk Garden sock yarn, purchased from two different Woolie Ewe end-of-year sales.  I used almost all of the yarn from both skeins, making the scarf extra-long so my freakishly tall husband could wear it, too. He's actually excited about it, which surprises me a little.  He doesn't get cold as easily as I do.
 I just can't tell you how happy I am to be knitting again.  The recent scarf-wearing trend, and the excitement over using my long-stashed yarn, has me tirelessly searching Ravelry's many scarf and cowl patterns.  I don't know how long this obsession will last, or how many scarves will emerge as a result, but I'm going to enjoy it for as long as I can.