Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Fresh Bread!

Dave finally spent his Christmas money.  He has so much more patience than I do when it comes to spending our Christmas money.  Mine is always gone in a week or two, but he shops around until he finds exactly what he wants.  Such strength!  This year, he decided on a stand mixer.  He's been wanting one for a very long time, but never felt comfortable spending the money.  I told him repeatedly if he wanted one that bad, then buy one, but his mind just doesn't operate that way for things he wants.  If I'd wanted it, he'd have already bought it (how guilty can you imagine that makes me feel?). 
But he finally has one, and the first thing he wanted to make was home made bread.  "K" I said, as I began to drool.  Last weekend, he made us two loaves of the most beautiful bread I've ever seen.  I just had to share pictures of it.  Monday my internet was down, so I had to wait a whole other day to post them, but here they are in all their glory. Dave did a great job!
Fresh out of the oven.  They smelled so good baking.

Beautiful thick slices! 

The perfect grilled cheese!  Best thing since sliced bread....
Hope you enjoyed the show.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful looking bread and I am sure it was oh so tasty
