Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


We're home!  As we suspected, Dr House had to sedate Sassy in order to examine her skin.  We left her with him, then dropped by the radio station for Dave to record and input the latest information on weather-induced school closings and postponements.  By the time he'd finished, we got the call to come get Sassy.  She's still heavily sedated, so we're leaving her in the pet taxi which we'll leave in the extra bedroom.  She'll be warm and safe for the night.  Skin scrapings revealed she has sarcoptic mange.  This condition is very itchy, but very treatable.  If she's healthy otherwise, she'll be fine in 3-4 weeks.  Thank you for all your support and prayers.  I appreciate every single one of them.

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