Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Still With Us

The last couple of weeks have been very difficult for me.  I've been trying to accept a new normal and move on, while still in a state of grief, even denial.  I've developed some habits and routines during my years of working with feral cats that I'll probably never break.  Keeping with these routines while fewer cats greet me is very hard.  It seems to be a constant reminder of all I've lost.  I've decided to create this picture post, not only to reintroduce my feral cats to my readers, but also to remind myself of what I still have.  I will continue to grieve each cat and kitten I've lost, but for just one moment, I'd like to focus on the seven remaining ferals in my life.
Scruffy was born in 2004, the offspring of Sophie.  I think he's one of the most beautiful cats I've ever seen.

Monroe, born in 2004, was the offspring of Ms Grey and litter mate to Tigra and Scary Cat.  He's become friendly enough that he's now an indoor/outdoor pet.  He has lots of personality, and many quirky habits which keep us laughing all the time. Love him so much.

Sassy was born in 2004. She was the offspring of a mama cat that was just passing through.  She's pretty skittish and wild, but will trust me enough to take a piece of lunch meat from my hand.

Booger Bear is another offspring of Ms Grey.  He was born in 2005.  Dave named him Booger because of the brown spot on his nose, but I added the Bear.  I just couldn't make myself call anything Booger.

Jake, also an offspring of Ms Grey, was born in 2005, and was a litter mate with Booger Bear.  He is a strange cat, in that he's friendly, but only on his terms.  He found himself a less crowded territory down the street, but comes home every evening for a short indoor visit.  Then he heads back down the street.  When it's cold outside, he spends more time with us.

Tabitha (or Tabby) was born in 2006.  She is the offspring of Sophie, and the sole survivor of the last litter born to my feral colony.  She's very friendly, and has become another indoor/outdoor pet.  

Shadow is the only cat that isn't an offspring to one of my ferals.  He wondered up to our food trays one day in 2008, and decided to stay.  At first, he was aggressive, but that didn't last.  After weeks with nobody asking after him, we assumed he was ours.  We took him to be neutered, treated for fleas and ear mites, and he settled in nicely.  He is now one of the friendliest cats we have, making it hard to get a good picture of him.  He just wants to rub his face on the camera. lol
So there we have my seven surviving feral cats.  They, along with my 6 indoor pets mean the world to me.  I hope they're all with me for many years to come.


  1. I enjoyed the trip down memory lane of cats with you. Good memories, good pix. I love you

  2. I think I may have some of the dates mixed up. I remember 2004 clearly, because that's when we started, and 2007, because that's when we finished. 2005 and 2006 are sort of a blur. In fact, I think Jake came from a 2006 litter and Boogs is from a 2005 litter with a female kitten that looked just like Jake. I don't they they were litter mates after all.
