Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

She's Doing Well

Sassy spent the night on the screened back porch.  After she came out of her sedation, I felt mean leaving her trapped in the pet taxi.  I opened the door for her, but wanting no part of the house, she went immediately to the back door.  I let her out onto the porch then gave her some food.  What she really wanted was to be set free.  My gut told me that she'd be ok, but I guess my recent losses and fear made me pause.  I knew that if I let her outside, and something DID happen to her, I'd never forgive myself.  I told myself that she's got food, water, and a clean litter box on that porch.  While being enclosed may not be what she really wants, it will not hurt her to spend one night on the back porch. 
I checked on her several times during the night.  I could tell she wanted outside, but she wasn't making a big fuss.  She must have settled in sometime during the night, because when I woke this morning, I glanced out the window.  She was curled up on one of the cat trees, fast asleep.  She looked so peaceful and relaxed I could almost believe she was an indoor pet.  Since she seemed to be settled, I rolled over and went back to sleep (this has been an exhausting couple of months).  When Dave got home, we released her, and she's fine.  She didn't leave the yard in anger or hiss at me.  She went back to being her normal self.  
Picture taken of Sassy during the wee hours of the morning. She's so mistreated...
I hope this isn't just wishful thinking on my part, but I have a pretty good feeling that the cat situation is finally going to calm down.  Dr House gave Sassy a large dose of Advantage Multi to kill the skin mites, and sent home an equally large dose for me to give her in two weeks.  I also found out that she's a 10+ pound cat! If she's healthy otherwise, and she appears to be, I hope to have plenty more years with her.

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