Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

A Little Pick-Me-Up

The last couple of weeks have been difficult weeks for me.  I'll not attempt to explain, because I can't put my finger on any particular reason for me to be down.  I suffer from major depressive disorder, and these periods of sadness and low energy just happen sometimes.  I just have to press through until they pass.
Poor Dave tries so hard.  When I'm at my low points, he'll do just about anything to cheer me up.  He bought me the premiere issue of Noro magazine.  I picked out a sweater I want to make for myself, and he told me to order the yarn for it.  I found some Kuryon in color # 217 marked almost half price at Little Knits. My order arrived Monday.  I've been resisting the urge to start my sweater, because of the knitting I want to do for the fair.  As soon as those items are turned in, I can begin. 
My lovely new yarn
The sweater I'll hopefully be wearing this winter

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