Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Friday, May 25, 2012

Frappe Time

There's nothing more refreshing than a cool frozen frappe on a hot summer day.  I used to go to the local coffee house for my treat, but the ever increasing prices of everything turned my daily coffee habit into an occasional treat...which is actually for the best.  Even a skinny frappe is pretty high in calories.  Does this mean I've given up frappes?  Absolutely not!
It took me a several shopping trips, and many bad purchases, but I finally found the perfect coffee drink mix.  Cafe' Cappuccino is sold at Costco, and it is the only mix I've found that tastes like the frappes sold at the coffee houses.  You can use Cafe' Cappuccino to make hot, iced, or my favorite, frozen coffee drinks...and I control the fat content.  Just a little ice, 1% milk, and my magical mix gives me a tastey coffee drink, without the crazy price.   
Delicious! I like to call it coffee for non-coffee drinkers. :)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

My Boring Life?

That's what I should probably rename my blog, as little as I update. I was looking back over posts from the first year I started, and the difference is night and day.  I used to tell witty (at least I hope they're witty) stories about my cats, and proudly show photos of my garden and yard.  I used to excitedly tell of new knitting projects I'd started, and how proud I was of each outcome.  So, what changed? As I looked over the previous couple of years of my blogging history, I realized I was repeating myself.  I post the same garden photos each spring, only with no stories attached.  I already told all there is to tell about each plant.  Knitting?  Well, there isn't much to tell there, because I haven't been knitting.  The cats are pretty much the same spoiled creatures they always were.  So, what new is there to write about?  Most people would say to me, "Get a life!"  My answer to them would be, "but, I HAVE a life."  It's not what most would consider to be an exciting life, but it's perfect for me.  With my anxiety issues and my phobias, I need routine.  The occasional road trip to Dallas or Sherman is all the excitement I need.  I just wish it didn't make such dull reading material...

I'm sure I'll get back into the swing of it.  A knitting block can only last so long, and who knows?  Maybe I can plant some new things next spring.  And hey...that rose bed was different. :)

Friday, May 18, 2012

New Quilt Rack

I have lots of quilts.  Those of you who know me are not surprized by that statement, but you might be surprized to learn just how many quilts I have.  The huge trunk Dave inherited from his father is so full, it barely closes.  So full that I had been storing a few of my quilts in the deck box on the screened porch.  They are perfectly safe from the elements, but I've never felt good about my treasured quilts being outside.  The logical solution would seem to be to simply get another trunk.  Unfortunately, we have no room for another trunk, so the next logical solution would be a quilt rack.
I chose quilts that will look pretty displayed against the dark green we'll soon paint the walls.
You'd never believe how hard it's been to find a quilt rack.  I searched for months, only having seen a metal one at Hobby Lobby for $45.  That's a bit pricey, but I still would have been willing to buy it, had it not been so wobbly. The local furniture stores, I guess, don't offer them anymore, because I think I searched every one. I had all but given up, when Dave had an idea.
See how sturdy?  And I just love the heart cut-out detail.
Yesterday, we went to the Antique Mall downtown, and there it was! A beautiful, sturdy wooden quilt rack for only $25. Perfect!  After we got it home, I picked out, and washed four of my quilts to display in our bedroom.  This quilt rack could easily have held more, but four is plenty, and it left me plenty of room to bring all of my quilts indoors, and safely tuck them away in the trunk.  Beautiful!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Sister Pedicure Day!

Just as we had planned, Norma picked me up around 2, then we went over to NU Nails, for our pedicures. The last pedi I had was in August of last year, when Dave treated me to one for my birthday.  This was such a treat for me!  It feels like I got a brand new pair of feet! :) Thanks, Norma! I had a great day!!
The feel so clean, the actually tingle!

I don't even want to wear shoes!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Busy Day

For the first time in months, I feel like my house is truely clean.  No, it isn't completely dirtless or cat hairless, but that would be an unrealistic goal to try for (unless I want to clean 24/7). 
I got up earlier than usual because of a dental appointment.  It was for my regular check-up and cleaning, so it didn't take long.  Since my dentist's office is next door to the radio station, I stopped by to see Dave, where I got to watch him and Zeke (the morning show host for the country station) record a spot together.  That was pretty fun.  After lunch, Dave went to play golf with Zeke and some other co-workers (I'm not really sure who went), so I had the day to myself.  I called my sister to see if she wanted to pick me up, and we could treat ourselves to pedicures. She was too busy, so we planned it for tomorrow. I hung up the phone, and almost imediately started cleaning.  I swept and mopped the kitchen, paused to feed the cats, then I ran a sink full of dishwater to soak the cat food bowls.  I vacuumed and dusted, washed the dishes,then folded the laundry. Satisfied with all my work, I finally sat at the computer...where I've been sitting for almost an hour.  Wow!  It's been so long since I've accomplished this much in a day.  It may be another week or two before it's this clean again, but for now, I can relax and maybe do some knitting tonight. 
'Cause tomorrow, it's pedis with my sister! 

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Vanity = Stupidity

Yes, folks, a moment of vanity cause me to do something incredibly stupid.  If you've followed my blog, you know that Kim, my neighbor and friend, and I walk 4 miles almost daily. As the temperatures warmed, and I began wearing my summer clothes, I started to notice tan lines.  Most of them don't show, so I never really minded them, until I started getting a definate line where I wear my socks.  Yesterday, in an effort to remedy this, I didn't wear socks.  This (see photo) is the result of my vanity induced stupidity.  Please, learn a lesson from my mistake.  No white sock line looks worse than a big, honking blister.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Shastas And More

These are just a few assorted garden pictures I took as I walked around my yard.  Please enjoy..
Shasta buds a-plenty
First shasta daisy
Lemon thyme, repotted this year.  In order to do this, I had to remove the whole thing from the wire basket, pull away the old coco liner, reline the basket, then repot the plant.  This whole process could have been a royal pain, but this plant smells so good and so fresh, that I enjoyed every minute of it.   
Hyssop.  This is a new plant I got from Bratchers.  I've never seen a hyssop plant before, and I'm looking forward to watching it grow.
Pink Lantana.  I love the way the pink buds open to reveal yellow flower clusters, that gradually turn pink as they mature.  A very colorful display.
My pink rosebush.  I know I said I was through showing rose pictures, but I just love this one.

Friday, May 4, 2012


Now is the time of year, when my hostas produce their flower scapes.  As you can see, some of these are just about ready to reveal the beautiful white flowers inside.
One of the two hostas on my front porch deck
This one was in the same pot with a Japanese holly fern, but the fern was taking over.  I was afraid it might kill the hosta, so I separated the two plants, and gave each its own pot.
This one is the largest of all my hostas, and perhaps one of my favorites.

Hoya Bud Update

I love this hoya plant!  When the buds first form, they look like small spheres, but as they grow, they flatten out, and just as they're about to open, you can see the shape of the flower they contain.  I just find this whole process fascenating! Just campare this photo with the hoya bud pictures below, and you can see the difference for yourself.  As you can see, this one is ready to burst! 

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Hydrangea Photo Share

More photo sharing.  
The hydrangea that came with the property as it starts to bud. 
The same hydrangea almost a week later.
The newer hydrangea.

Hoya Photo Share

Not much to write, but I wanted to share these picture with my readers.This is the hoya plant a fellow member gave me years ago! For the first time, It looks like I'll have more than one bloom on this plant! 
The first bloom of the year.
This bud should open next. The bloom in the background is the same as the bloom in the photo above.
This bud is the newest, and most likely should open last.