Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Friday, May 3, 2013

Newly Reorganized

It's finally done!  Dave had the framework for this closet built especially for me before we were married.  Sadly, I had let it get cluttered and messy as the years went by, but all the home improvements changed all that. After the carpet was laid, we had a fresh, clean house to redo any way we wished.  Opening my cluttered closet each morning was a mood killer, and cast a shadow over my feeling of clean.  So, we got to work...
I used to have a canvas shoe rack hanging from the left side dowel, saving the shoe box shelves for my sweaters and knits.  The canvas shoe rack was nice in its day, but over the years it had lost its appeal.  It was very heavy, unmovable, and took up too much room.  We bought plastic containers for my shoes, and I decided to used the shoe box shelves for their intended purpose.  I like it much better this way.

With the shelves now occupied with shoes, I found a new home for my knits on the top shelf above my dresses and long skirts.  Needless to say, we bought lots of storage containers this week. 

The shelf above my double layer closet dowels will temporarily hold my boots and sweaters until I need them this winter.  I also had room for a bin of yarn.  There always seems to be room for a bin of yarn. :)
I hope you enjoyed this little peek inside my closet. Maybe these ideas help someone in their own efforts to reorganize.

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