Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Sunday, May 5, 2013

A Few Garden Pictures

I've not posted many garden pictures this Spring, mainly because my yard looks terrible.  We planned to spread some new grass seed this year.  We moved the potted plants to the walkway, leaving the yard clear for this purpose.  Those plans haven't materialized, so my plants just look like a big disarrayed jungle cluttering up my walkway.  Of course, we can't forget the lovely weeds that have grown up between the rocky surface of my patio.  Not exactly the backdrop I want displayed on my blog.
 When I got to church this morning, I was thrilled to see my cousin, who had come in from out of town.  After service, she told me that she had missed seeing my flowers this year.  I can't disappoint my cousin.  When I got home, I grabbed my camera, and headed outside.  With some careful zooming and cropping, I think I managed to capture the beauty without the surrounding messiness.  So, Regina, this is for you. :) 
My red salvia is in bloom.  The hummingbirds love this stuff.  It is drought resistant making it perfect for my often neglected garden.

There is a lot going on in this shot, but my main focus is my Snow Angel coral bells in the very front.  To the left we have my big, fancy hosta (I don't remember the variety), and on the right, part of my Japanese Holly Fern.  In the back ground are two other varieties of coral bell, and I think I see some sorrel from my potted herb garden peeking over the hosta.

This is my second, and soon-to-be third orange rose from this plant.  I never used to like orange roses, but they've grown on me.

I save the best picture for last.  This is my Honey Perfume yellow rosebush.  This, Dave and I both agree, is the prettiest rosebush we own.  I'm always very proud of it.
I hope everyone has a lovely Sunday evening!

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