Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Yarn Stash

I recently reorganized my yarn stash (well, most of it).  I'm so glad I did, because I found yarns I had forgotten I had. I would love so much to tell my readers that I'm going on a yarn diet, and will be buying no more new yarn until the year end sale at Woolie Ewe, but we all know that isn't going to happen. My readers who have been following my blog from the beginning will remember that I tried that.  It lasted about a month.  So, I didn't come here to tell you I've turned over a new leaf, but I DID come here to show some pictures of my newly reorganized (most of it) yarn stash.
This is the closet in the craft room.  The bags hanging  to the left contain various works in progress. To the right is an antique sideboard, which contains most of my cotton yarns and my remnants.

A close-up of the craft room closet.  As you can see, the bins of yarn are three deep instead  of two deep as it appears in the picture above. 

The hall closet contains small bins of yarn, small project bags, and a very helpful Morty cat. :)

The cedar trunk in the TV room is full of various brands of 100% wool yarns.

This bin is in my bedroom closet.  I haven't had a chance to go through it yet, so I'm not sure what's in it.  The bag on top is a needle organizer as well as a project bag.  It contains a project I started years ago, but didn't like it as much as I thought I would.  It will be frogged as soon as I find a pattern better suited for the yarn.

This four-drawer skinny cabinet contains my needle sets, notions, canvas knitting bags, and a few works in progress.   There are a few patterns and magazines in the top drawer, as well as a stray ball of yarn or two.
So there you have it.  Most of my stash presented for all the world to see.  I should be embarrassed, but I just can't be.  I love yarn. The feel of it, the smell of it, the beauty of it...everything about it makes me happy. I think if you're fortunate enough to find something harmless, that makes you happy, and you're sensible enough to only buy as you can afford it, then I say go for it.  
Before I sign off, I would like to say that even though I'm not promising to go on a year long yarn diet, I do plan to knit with stash more this year than I've done in the past.  Even if I just finish my WIP's it will be a big accomplishment. 

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you got it all organized. It will make it more enjoyable to browse for a new project...Loved our visit yesterday Going to Dallas tomorrow with Kathy and Aunt Bettie. I am so ready to see Glenda for myself. I have really been praying for all of my family. Happy Valentines Day
