Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Puzzle Scarf

My Puzzle Scarf is on the blocking mats right now, but I just couldn't wait to show you the pictures I've taken so far. I normally don't like to seam, but I loved this pattern so much.  I told myself a little seaming won't kill me, and the results will be well worth it.  Well, I survived the seaming (obviously, since I'm writing this post), and the pay off is even more worth it than I could ever imagine.
The pattern is for 30 of these u-shaped motifs, blocked to measure 4x4 in size. 
Since Noro is a striping yarn, each piece is a colorful surprise.  I used scrap yarn to mark them right side up, because with garter stitch, it's not easy to tell the difference. 

Following the three row diagram, I arranged each piece, and seamed.  This is the finished scarf, pre-blocking.  There is nothing wrong with how it looks, and I could have easily left it, but I decided to give it a final block to smooth out the seams.

Since each motif has already been wet-blocked, I saw no reason to saturate the scarf before pinning. Instead, I pinned the dry scarf onto my blocking mats, and lightly spritzed it with water.   
I just wanted to share a last minute tip for those of you who hate to seam.  Instead of blocking and seaming all 30 motifs at the same time, I decided to block and seam as I went.  The diagram for arranging the pieces is a three row repeat, with two pieces per row.  I knit six pieces and blocked, then knit the next six pieces while the first six dried.  After the first six were dry, I pinned the next six out, seamed the first six, then knit up the third group of six, while the second dried.  I continued in this manner for the entire scarf. This worked so much better for me.  Trying to keep all 30 pieces in order, as I blocked and seamed would have been so overwhelming.
I hope you enjoyed my picture post.  I will show you the final project after it has dried.


  1. Loved the picture post and as usual the scarf is beautiful
    God bless you

  2. Thank you. I'm so proud of it. It's been so long since I've bought yarn for a specific pattern, then stuck with it until the project was finished. Too bad the Noro yarn is so expensive. I think all the color is what kept me interested.
