Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

A Little Pick-Me-Up

The last couple of weeks have been difficult weeks for me.  I'll not attempt to explain, because I can't put my finger on any particular reason for me to be down.  I suffer from major depressive disorder, and these periods of sadness and low energy just happen sometimes.  I just have to press through until they pass.
Poor Dave tries so hard.  When I'm at my low points, he'll do just about anything to cheer me up.  He bought me the premiere issue of Noro magazine.  I picked out a sweater I want to make for myself, and he told me to order the yarn for it.  I found some Kuryon in color # 217 marked almost half price at Little Knits. My order arrived Monday.  I've been resisting the urge to start my sweater, because of the knitting I want to do for the fair.  As soon as those items are turned in, I can begin. 
My lovely new yarn
The sweater I'll hopefully be wearing this winter

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Tablet Post

It is so nice to be able to post to my blog without having to get out of bed. This new tablet makes that possible.  Dave and I have quite a Few busy weeks ahead of us. He has agreed to do another play, And hopefully, I'll be working behind the scenes for this one. I've only done this one time, and really enjoyed the experience. Of course all I did was wash glasses, and fill wine bottles with cranberry juice. This one seems much more complicated than that, but I won't know for sure until I attend the first read through.
Also, the Red River Valley Fair will be starting the end of this month. I've got lots of knitting to do if I want to enter the blanket I've been writing about. I still don't understand the reason for my knitter's block, but surely it can't last forever...can it?

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

As Promised...

The pictures I took yesterday.  I'm so happy!
My pretty new tablet cover
My pretty new tablet :)

Another Distraction

Just when I thought I was ready to settle in and knit my little heart out until time for the fair, in came another distraction. Yes, folks, I'm talking about the tablet Dave bought me. After signing into my google account, I was in for a great surprise. Not only did I get the usual welcome to the world of Google Nexus 7 owners email, I also got an email informing me that I have $25 worth of credit to spend in the Google Play store. Yay! I've sent most of my free time this weekend, and a good part of Monday, shopping for books and music until my money was spent. How fun!
The perfect icing on the cake happened yesterday, when the cover I ordered came. I had been protecting my new tablet as if it were made of blown glass. Monday night, I fell asleep while I was reading, only to be abruplty awakened when my treasured tablet fell out of my hand and landed on the floor. Noooo! I said. I made Dave turn over so I could lay on the other side. That way if it fell again, it would land on the bed. I'm happy to report that my tablet is still intact, and now completely protected. Whew!
Tomorrow, I'll post pictures of my new tablet and cover.  I tried to include them tonight, but Blogger seems to be acting up, and I'm too sleepy headed to figure it out.  :{

Friday, August 10, 2012

I Feel Blessed!

Yesterday, I celebrated my forty fourth birthday, and it was filled with blessings.  When I wake each morning, the first thing I do is reach for my phone.  My routine is to text my husband, then catch up with my friends and family on Facebook.  This day, I was greeted with a timeline full of birthday wishes.  I loved reading each and every one of them.  I was just finishing a reply, when Dave came in with a special gift for me- a Google Nexus 7 tablet! Yay!!  We played with it for a little while before putting on the charger so we could go to lunch.  Dave took me to Roma's, a new Italian restaurant that recently opened in our small town.  The food is delicious, and I couldn't ask for better company than Dave.  Next, he took me to my sister's house.  Since my sister from Irving is in town, I got to visit with all my sisters, and play a few games of Bananagrams.  I got home about an hour ago to find even more happy birthdays from FB friends.  I really am blessed!  Now for a quick shower, before staying up all night to play with my new tablet :)

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

I'm In

Well, I managed to finish a few projects to enter in the crafts exhibit for next month's fair.  I don't expect blue ribbons this time, as all my items are quick, easy projects, but that doesn't matter this year.  I've been so overwhelmed with depression, and a lack of focus and energy to knit, that I'm just thankful to have something to display at all.  I am rather excited about some of the items, and as much as I'd love to blog about them, I must save them for after the fair.  Another bit of good news is that I have just one more skein of yarn left to go on my afghan.  Since it looks like I'll finish it in time to enter it, I'll save those details for later as well. 
So, even though my blog may be silent for now, please be patient.  As you can see, I'll have lots of crafty goodness to share after next month has passed.