Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Saturday, March 24, 2012


I was so proud of my husband last night. He played Judge Gaffney in our local community theater's production of "Harvey." Dave was called three weeks ago. The man who was originally cast for this part had to drop out because of illness. Charlie called Dave and asked if he'd step in. Three weeks isn't very long to learn a part, but Dave was willing to help out, and I was behind him all the way. Dave hadn't been involved in the theater for years because of his busy work schedule, but he got right back in there, learned that part, and did a great job. Everybody did a great job, making "Harvey" a success. I got to go with two of my sisters, and afterward, Dave and I met with Charlie (the director), his wife, and three members of the cast for a late dinner. It was fun to hear them all speak of thier memories of the theater and shows they'd all been involved with. Some of them I remembered, some I didn't, but I enjoyed thier stories just the same.

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