Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Monday, March 12, 2012

Well, I Tried...

It was about 5:30 or so, when I had finished my walk. Dave was at a city council meeting, and planning to go straight to the theater afterward (he was called on to play the judge in our community theater's production of Harvy). I had decided to take advantage of the extra daylight time to start on the new rose bed I've been wanting to dig. I put on my leather garden gloves to protect my hands as I moved the huge rose pots and stepping stones. I wheeled the wheel barrow over so it would be handy for throwing in weeds, then got the shovel out of the shed. I was all ready and eager to accomplish something. You can imagine my disappointment when I dug into the soil, only to discover a mass of old roots. Well, that's ok, I'll just start in another area...Wrong! Try as I may, I could not get my shovel through the soil. Not even when I stepped on it with both feet and all my weight. I guess I'll just have to wait until Dave has a free Saturday to help me. Poor guy. There just doesn't seem to be anything I can do without bothering him.


  1. Sorry it didn't work out. I can't dig with a shovel even without roots. I am shovel chalenged.

    I was looking in my storage closet tonight and I found your games. I really thought I had sent them home but they are here. Sorry about that.
    God bless!

  2. good to hear from both of you. WE seem to have the most of the painting to do the put away stuff....tooo much dust! too much junk..o me

  3. You won't believe how clean your house will feel when you get it all done. I'm happy for you.
