Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Accomplishments! (Finally)

Expecting rain for the rest of the week, Dave and I decided to get outside and mow. We did the same thing we usually do with me pushing the mower while he runs the weedeater (I'm still scared of the weedeater). After we finished, I started working in the house, and managed to not only do the dusting and vacuuming, I also got most of the house plants moved outside. As I'm doing this, I notice several other neighbors working on their yards (they must have seen, and believed, the weather report, too).
So far there's no rain, but we have the tidiest street on the block. :) Today, Dave helped me get the hanging plants outside, and for the first time in months, I wouldn't be ashamed for guests to see my house. I'm hoping this work mode will continue until I get the screened porch cleaned out. Maybe I'll even take another stab at digging that rose bed. I only wish Socks and Tigra were still here. They loved it when I worked outside.

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