Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Friday, November 25, 2011

My Sisters

Yesterday was such a great day. For the first time in years, I got to spend Thanksgiving with All My sisters. So here are the four of us: Glenda, Norma, Zita, and I'm the Dallas Cowboys fan on the end. Hope everyone's Thanksgiving was as good as mine. :)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Just wanted to wish all my readers a happy Thanksgiving. I may be too busy visiting with my family, and eating myself silly to get online tomorrow, so I'm saying it today. :) I hope everyone out there has a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Indoor Bloom

It was about three weeks ago, when Dave and I brought the houseplants indoors. I noticed my hoya carnosa had a bud, and was a little saddened. I expected the bud to dry up and fall off, due to the lack of humidity, caused by the central heat. Thankfully, I was wrong. Not only did the bud survive, but it bloomed. The cluster of flowers have dried up, and are now beginning to fall away, but I sure enjoyed it while it lasted.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Recipe: Dave's Cauliflower soup

Saute in three tblsp of margerine: 1 onion, 3 stalks of celery, 1 medium carrot.
Add 2 tblsp flour & stir to make a roux.
Add 1 cup chicken stock, stir to incorporate, bring to a boil.
Add another cup chicken stock, stir to incorporate, bring to boil.
Add cauliflower (steamed in microwave until soft), add salt and pepper to taste.
Add 2 cups chicken stock, stir, bring to a boil.
Remove from heat, puree using immersion blender, return to heat.
Add 1 cup milk, bring to boil while stirring.

Serve topped with crumbled bacon, and grated cheese.

Hot Soup On A Cool Day

As I write this post, Dave is in the kitchen. He has a pot of cauliflower soup boiling on the stove and it smells great. I know what some of you might be thinking. "Cauliflower Soup? That can't be good." I said the same words the first time he fixed some, but I couldn't have been more wrong. It actually tastes like potato soup, but it's cheaper (cauliflower was on sale this week), and healthier. Of course nothing beats a bowl of my sister's cheesy potato soup, but Dave's cauliflower soup comes very close. :)

Friday, November 11, 2011

Fun Hospital Photos

I took these pictures during my visits to see my BIL and sister. Dr Frank N. Stein was in ICU, while the Fall themed tree was by the nurse's station on floor 6. I think it's nice of the Hospital staff to add some cheer for the patients and visitors.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Sorry, Norma...

Last night, I went to the hospital to visit my brother-in-law, and take my sister something to eat. I used my phone to show her the Tigra pictures I posted to my blog. She was a little miffed at me about the knitting one. She knows I don't like pictures of myself, and she thought I had cut my head out of it. No, that's not what happened. Dave had taken several pictures that day, some of the cats, some of me. I added the one of Tigra on yesterday's post, since it was her tribute. Here is the one Dave took of me that day. It was 2005 (which means Tigra must have been born in 2004). I was knitting that scarf for Dave's daughter for Christmas. The calico on the arm of the couch is Abby. I look like crap in this picture, but I'm posting it anyway, because my sister wants to see it. Norma, don't you ever question whether or not I love you...

Monday, November 7, 2011

Tigra: Happy Memories

RIP, Sweet girl. I'll never forget you.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Fingerless Gloves Finished!

Modeled by my husband. Thanks for helping, Dave.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Last night, Dave and I had settled in for a quiet evening, which turned out to not be so quiet. For one thing, I was a nervous wreck. Max was outside, and it was raining. I knew that visibility would be low, and was praying he wouldn't try to cross the street. I don't know if people realize this, but it's harder to see a tabby at night than any color of cat, including black. I just couldn't stop worrying, but I did get out my knitting, which at least kept me from pacing the floor.
A little after nine, my cell phone rang. I didn't recognize the number on the screen, but the area code was local, so I answered it. It was the police department, telling me they had just recieved a 911 call from my number. I hadn't even touched my phone, much less called 911. When I told them that, they asked for my address, so they could document the call. I grew suspicious. I didn't know if it was really the 911 services or if someone was trying to get my address. I handed the phone to Dave, who told her we'd call her right back. When he called back, it was indeed the police department. The caller's supervisor had recognized Dave's voice, and new something was up. They had made a mistake with the numbers, and mine wasn't the number they needed.
No harm done...except the police department thinks Dave's wife is a paranoid freak. Oh well, they're not the only ones, right?