Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Thursday, October 4, 2012

I'm Hopeless!

I've already made this confession to my friends and family, and even publically confessed it in on my blog.  I love to start new knitting and crochet projects, but I have a problem finishing them.  I get so excited about a yarn or a pattern, and just can't wait to start.  I can knit or crochet happily on this item until I get far enough along to see how it's going to look, then I start to lose interest.  In the mean time, patterns and yarns are still catching my eye, and it's only a matter of time until I see another yarn or pattern that I just have to start.  I call this problem Knitting ADD.  I know I have it, but I didn't know just how out of control it had gotten until just a few minutes ago.  I was on Ravelry, looking through my project page.  Out of curiosity, I decided to count my unfinished projects.  Wow!  I have seven WIP's (work in progress for my non-Ravelry readers), and twenty-two projects in hibernation!  That adds up to twenty-nine unfinished projects!  Twenty Nine!!!  I have a serious problem...


  1. Uh Oh. That is a lot but it doesn't really hurt anything to have them started. One time years ago I had a ton of things started and I got snowed in for a couple of weeks and before you know it most of my projects were finished. I have always had a bit of a problem with starting things and not wanting to finish. Mama was always finishing quilt tops i had started. I use to do one pillow case and then want someone else to do the other.
    Don't fret to much about it. One day you will finish them or if not it hurts no one.
    God bless.

  2. Who cares when you finish them ALL just enjoy what you work on and love what you finsh.

    I love you
