Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

A Quick Check-In

Sitting here on my screened porch, waiting for Kim to text me. Tomorrow night begins week two of the play, A Little Murder Never Hurt Anybody. Last week, opening week, was a success. Dave and the others did a great job entertaining the crowd, and we backstage crew kept the scene changes moving. This has been a fun experience for me. Sunday is the last performance, and I have mixed feelings. While it's going to be nice to relax back into normal life, I can't help but feel sad. I'm going to miss my new friends. This is when I feel thankful for Facebook. I really hope I get another opportunity to work with these people again.


  1. You are so right. the play is a great success. Wanda, Zita and I really enjoyed it. If I were not going to the retreat, I would try to see it again this week end. Great Job, Dave, I totally enjoyed it.

  2. Guess, I should have complimented the WHOLE CAST and behind the scenes crew. it takes them ALL to be the success the play is! Good job everybody
