Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Monday, July 30, 2012

The Classics On Kindle

Not much has been happening here lately, which is not unusual.  The Summer heat often brings with it a loss of energy to do much activity.  Reading is always a great way to spend the hot months cooped up inside, and I've now embarked upon the world of ebooks.  It all started one night several weeks ago. (technically it's morning, but if I haven't been to sleep yet, I call it 'night').  It was 4am, and I had read my last library book.  Not sleepy enough to sleep, I went though my stash of paperback, only do discover that I'd read them all.  I'm not one who likes to read books again, so I went back to bed.  I lay there, trying to go to sleep, but it's wasn't going to happen.  I got my phone and went to Facebook, but of course, there's very little activity at 4am.  I decided to visit the app market, where I discovered the Kindle app for Android.  With the Kindle app freshly loaded, I used my phone to search the Kindle library.  I wasn't planning to buy anything, just wanted a free book to get me by til I could visit the library, so I went to the classics section.  I loaded an Agatha Christie book called The Secret Adversary.  Great book!  I'd never read any of her books, and quite honestly, I've never been a big fan of the classics.  What was I thinking?  These books are really good!  I've read my first Jane Austen, and my first Mary Roberts Rinehart, and have loaded many more.  Needless to say, I never did make it back to the library. :)

1 comment:

  1. so glad you are enjoying the e reads. I still have to read the physical copies of books
    Missed being at church.
