Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Monday, July 9, 2012


I don't know what's going on with me.  For the last couple of weeks, I seem to be frozen in an unsettled daze.  I need to get my knitting needles back in gear.  I just know that's the key to getting my spirit back. I love my books and magazines, my yarn and needles, my hooks and threads, but none of that brings me joy if I don't use them.  Instead, they become a sourse of guilt, and a reminder of goals unrealized. 
Last year, when I planned my Woolie Ewe year end sale shopping trip, I did it differently.  Instead of going in there and buying for the sake of buying, I played it smart.  I picked out several projects from my Ravelry queue, figured out the amount of yarn I needed for my size, and entered that amount on my list.  Using my Ravelous phone app, I was able to recall that list as I shopped.  I used this app to buy only the yarn I needed to complete the three sweaters I most wanted to knit, plus a cardigan for Dave.  Yay!  A plan, right? Guess what?  I started one of the sweaters, got distracted, started a scarf for an instant gratification fix, set that to the side, then started haphazardly working on different unfinished WIP's (for those non-Ravelry members out there, a WIP is a work in progress). 
Before I knew it, Summer was here, and I hadn't finished anything.  Having lost my desire to work with wool yarn, I decided to start a summer project.  I found a simple top-down, one piece in the round tee shirt pattern on, and ordered some Cotlin, a beautiful cotton/linen yarn from Knitpicks.  I almost made it with this project, but once again, my work remains unfinished.  There's really no excuse for this one.  All I have to do is finished the sleeves and this one's done.  Hmm...maybe I should get this one back out.  Finishing a project might be just the thing that gets me past this slump.  I'll let ya'll know...

1 comment:

  1. did you have spent a great deal of your knitting time "caregiving" with my other sisters all of my whims and needs. I am ever grateful to all of you plus the church family and friends who also prayed for me. Get that knitting our and get started before I "use" you again. I still got some touch up painting to do,..... Love ya
