Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

New Beginnings

I took these pictures to show the more recent changes we made to the garden. We used to have a huge, double level planting area in front of the porch, but I, with my limited knowledge of gardening, was having a hard time maintaining it. Eventually, most of the plants died, leaving just an unkempt looking front yard. We dug out, and potted what little had survived, then dismantled the whole thing. Now the area is just wide enough to plant some nice shrubs. I think I'm going to be much happier with it. Notice the landscaping bricks? I did those. Dave, my husband, normally does this type of yard task, but I wanted to try it this year. He stood in front, talking me through it, and making sure it was even. He's such a patient man.
This next picture shows the side of the house, with more bricks. These, I did on my own, while Dave was working. I'm so proud of myself. We added a couple of shepherd's hooks, one with a hummingbird feeder, and one with a hanging planter of petunias. These are placed where we can watch the hummingbirds from our window. The primrose jasmine, planted in front of the central air unit is also new. Hopefully it will grow big enough to hide the ugly thing.
Finally, some annuals I potted this year to add some color. the plant on the bottom step is boxwood basil. Behind that, from left to right, we have marigolds, ranunculas, and a salmon pink geranium. behind them is my windowbox herb garden, not yet revived.
Well, I hope you enjoyed this tour through my garden. I think I'm finally getting the hang of this blogging thing. Thanks for taking the time to visit, and If you have suggestions on how I can make this blog better, or if you just want to say "hi," Please, don't hesitate to leave me a comment. :)


  1. Your garden will be beautiful soon! I live in north NJ so I'm jealous of all your sunshine and you have flowers already! The only herb I have back to green is my garlic chives, and the only flowers are daff's crocuses an renticular irises.

  2. Thanks. This is really my favorite time of year. I would love to grow bulbs, but I don't think our winters get cold enough to sustain them, and I'm not industrious enough to dig them up and store them in the fridge.
