Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Plaid-ish Woven Scarf

last week, I warped my loom for the first time by myself!  The only thing I needed help with was keeping the yarns even as I wound it, but I was told that's normal.    I have been going back to the yarn store weekly, not only for the lessons, but for the company as well. There is a small core group of fiber artists who sit and visit as they work on their craft of choice, weaving being the most popular. It was during one of these visits that I got the idea for my latest weaving project (well, I guess I didn't really think of it, but I was told I could use it). One of the ladies had completed a scarf, using two solid colors for the warp (vertical strands), and a variegated yarn for the weft (horizontal woven yarn).  The finished item reminded me of plaid.  I know it isn't a true plaid, but the effect is definitely there.  I just had to try this for myself.
First of all, I'm excited to report that this entire scarf is being made with stash yarn!  I found a variegated Lion Brand wool yarn, and two solid wools to match it.  Like Donna, I warped my loom alternating four slots with each color, ending with color #1.  As I began to weave with my variegated, I was amazed to see the pattern emerge!   
My plaid-ish scarf emerging on my first self-warped loom.

Adding a close-up of the woven section.  I'm so happy with the results so far!
As I was leaving the yarn store, Carol told me they are featuring the woven work of their students in their next display window.  Anything I can finish and bring to her by the first of September will be included.  How exciting!!  Think I can finish my plaid-ish?  I'm sure going to try :)


  1. It is a very beautiful scarf. Mom would have loved it. I know you can get it finished. God bless you
