Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Friday, August 9, 2013

A Birthday Surprise!

This has been a wonderful birthday! Dave took me out to lunch, then dropped me off at the yarn shop downtown while he did some errands. I made my selections, and as I was paying out, Carol (one of the owners) went into the back, and brought out a brand new Cricket loom.  My wonderful but sneaky husband had purchased the loom earlier, and asked her to present it to me at the check out counter.  I could not have been more surprised!  Now I can add weaving to the list of reasons to and stash yarn.  The only regret I have is that Dave was not there for the presentation.  I normally shop and visit for a long time before paying, but today I saw what I wanted almost immediately.  I did notice that Carol was spending an usual amount of time with me, pointing out the new yarns and items they'd gotten in since my last visit.  In hindsight, I realize she must have been trying to delay until Dave's return, but there was only so much she could do without giving the surprise away.  Hopefully, all the praise and gushing he received from the women in the shop upon his return made up for this.  The ladies gave him a description of my reaction that was so detailed it had to be the next best thing to seeing it for himself. 
Carol warped my new loom for me, explaining the whole time how it is done, then she got me started on the weaving.  Dave had some business at the station to take care of so he left me in good hands while I reacquainted myself with the weaving process.  This is different from any fiber craft I've attempted so far. For the first time in a yarn shop, I don't even know the language, but I'm a pretty quick learner.  Especially when I'm excited about something.
My very own Cricket Loom!

This what I have accomplished so far.  I already love it!

My woven scarf in progress shot from a different angle, just because I can.  :)
Just when I thought today couldn't be more perfect, I got home and logged onto Facebook to find a page full of love and well wishes from my friends and family. It made me feel so special! Turning 45 was not traumatic at all :)

1 comment:

  1. so happy for you. I can't wait to see your work up close....and in the flesh. You are so talented. Mom would be so pleased for you!
