Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Better Day

Tonight, I go to bed encouraged. Dave and I went to my sister's house to see her new furniture, and enjoyed a nice long visit. When we got home, Dave hung a couple of pictures for me that have been sitting in the extra bedroom since January. I just love them. Later, just after six, I met Kim for our walk. She told me Rick was unable to find the cat when he went to the storm drain. If that's true, then he hadn't already picked it up before I got over there to find it gone. That means it left on its own. To me, this is a great sign, because if it left on it's own, it has a chance at survival. Who knows...maybe one day, we'll be walking our walk, and we'll look over and see a little tuxedo cat, perfectly healthy, except for slight limp. That is a day I would shout for joy, and not care a bit who heard me. :)


  1. I've read all the blogs but have not signed in until today. Glad you are encouraged that the cat is ok. Looking forward to a fun time at church tomorrow. I miss you!! God bless.
