Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Friday, September 20, 2013

Decision Time

It's that time of year again.  Tomorrow, I'll be taking several scarves to the fair grounds for the crafts exhibit.  I had been meaning to write all about it, but I realized that I would just be repeating myself.  Three years have passed since I started my blog, and I've enjoyed it very much, but it may be time to move on.  My simple life is so simple, that once you've read a year's worth of posts, you've read them all.  Spring planting and blooms, Summer heat, Fall and winter knitting and holidays..with the exception of a few unexpected events, that pretty much sums up my life.  As I look for new things to write, I realize there is nothing new..And that's perfectly fine!  I love my husband, cats, and family, and would not trade them for even a minute of what society would consider an exciting life.  Simple is the only way for me, and I will continue to live my life in this way.  It makes me very happy, but I know it doesn't make for very interesting reading.  For this reason, I am saying good-bye to my blog.  I may post an occasional picture or two, or stop by to tell of interesting new knits and yarns. I've had fun, and I wish my readers all the best.

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven- Ecclesiastes 3:1

Sunday, September 8, 2013


For those of us who love yarn, Ravelry is an amazing website.  Anybody who reads my blog knows how much I love to browse through the patterns an photos for ideas and information.  Last week, I stumbled upon a fun thread.  I don't remember the title, or which forum I was in, but the subject of the thread was yarn bowls.  I have been wanting a yarn bowl, so I opened the thread, not knowing what a treat I was in for.  I saw picture after picture of household vessels and thrift shop finds being used as yarn bowls.  I was so impressed with how clever some of them were, and I realized I didn't need a $50-$60 yarn bowl, when any container will do.  
Saturday, Dave took me to The Cedar Chest, a local antique store.  I'd never been there, because I always thought antiques were very expensive, but I still wanted to go.  What better place to get ideas for yarn bowls than an antique store.  I was surprised at how reasonable the prices were.  I found two nice, heavy pieces of pottery for only $15!  I will definitely be visiting that store again! 
Not being an antique enthusiast, I'm not sure what these pieces actually are, but the lidded one says on the bottom that it's oven safe stoneware.  I have no idea what the pitcher was used for.

It doesn't matter what they were designed for, they are both yarn bowls now :)

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Pothos Update

On the eighth of last month, I demonstrated how to cut back and root Pothos ivy.  I thought it might be fun to let my readers see those same cuttings after three weeks in water.
As you probably noticed, I'm minus one of my cuttings.  That is because the leaves on that cutting had turned yellow, so I threw it away.  I could have pinched the yellow leaves off, and allowed it to continue rooting, but since I have so much ivy, I saw no reason to keep it.

I've placed my cuttings back in the water to continue rooting.  Didn't I say it was fun to watch them sprout? :)
I hope you all have a pleasant Sunday evening, and a great week!