Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Unexpected Beauty

 Dave and I were away over the weekend.  We drove Kloe down to Houston to spend the summer with her mother.  While there, we shared a lovely dinner, and a nice long visit with Dave's daugher, Robin, and her husband, Roc.  Later, at the hotel, I couldn't sleep (surprise), so I googled yarn stores in the Houston area.  We found one called, Knitting In The Loop, which wasn't far from the hotel.  Dave took me by the next day, and Oh My, what a beautiful store!  I saw yarns there I'd never seen before.  Dave was in full vacation mode, and in a very good mood, enabling me to purchase some gorgeous yarns.  After we left the yarn store, we drove down to Galveston, where we shared a wonderful seafood lunch, and went for a nice walk along the beach.  When we got back to Houston, we spent the early part of the evening in the hotel swimming pool.  Since it was Sunday, we had the whole pool to ourselves!
Monday was check out day.  I was a little sad leaving the hotel, but after we got on the road, I began to feel excited about getting home to my cats (we've discovered that if we leave two trays of food, three water dispensers, and three large litter boxes, the cats will do fine for two to three days).  Our last stop was the Costco in Rockwall, then it was all homeward bound from there.  I didn't know then, but our trip held one last pleasant surprise.  We were just south of Cooper when we saw them.  Sunflowers!  Several fields of bright, cheerful sunflowers planted along HWY 19-24!  Dave pulled over to the side of the road to allow me some photo time, and I picked out the best pictures to share with my readers.  I hope they brighten someone's day. I know they brightened mine.
This picture was taken from the car window. 

For this picture, I walked around to the side to get a closer shot of the sunflowers' faces.


  1. So pretty. I am so glad that you had a good time.

  2. we saw them today and there were people stopped taking pix as we passed both ways
