Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Friday, February 17, 2012

Updates- So Much Loss

I have sat here, at this computer, for I don't know how long, writing, deleting, and rewriting, only to delete again. I really should go to bed, but my blog has been silent for two weeks, while my family has suffered two great losses. Monday, after a long battle with cancer, we lost my uncle Jessie. We had his memorial service Wednesday, then Friday, while we were still reeling from the pain, we lost my Brother-in-law, Wesley, who has suffered multiple illnesses for years. Two great men of God in just one week. As if that weren't painful enough, we lost another friend to a terrible accident. Dee wasn't a member of our Church, but he and his wife loved to come to our monthly singing services. He was such a nice man, and will be genuinely missed. All these men will be genuinely missed. I wish I had words to describe how much I honor them, and will miss them, but all words escape me.
On a side note (and it seems so unimportant now), I did manage to finish my sweater before the Soiree. It's hard to be excited about it in light of all else, but I thought some of my readers might be curious to know if I had reached that goal.

Please, forgive me if I'm not around much in the next month. I just haven't felt in the mood to write. Also, please...Please, pray for my family..

1 comment:

  1. this is a really good post that says it all. We need each other now more than ever.

    I love you. I am enjoying being with my sisters thru it all. God is holding the family and I appreciate the prayer so much
