Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Friday, December 16, 2011

The Ugly Necklace

My cousin, Kathy, took a small group of women from the church on a Christmas shopping trip to Sherman. We wanted this to be a fun, relaxing time of fellowship. There was to be no worrying or fretting about what may be going on at home in our absence. There was to be no negative talk about our other people (husbands included). Just a pleasant, up-beat day out with the ladies. To assure we kept it this way, Kathy bought a really ugly necklace with clunky beads, and this big honking flower, made of some kind of turquois tulle material. It really was hideous. Anytime one of us said something negative, that person was stuck wearing this eyesore, unless someone else said something negative. The monstrocity would then be passed on to them. We passed that necklace around the whole trip. I'm sorry to admit that I had to wear it twice, once for worrying about one of my cats, the second time for commenting that one of my veggies on my lunch plate was cold. By the end of the day, we were laughing at ourselves, but we were thinking before speaking. What a fun way to learn such a valueable lesson.

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